Monday, December 8, 2008

Yes, I am still alive....

I just feel really rotten! I have had a cold for like 2 weeks, managed to get my Mom and my 93 Yr old Grandmother sick and it is still going on!!!! I haven't done any scrapping in a dogs age and my mojo is MIA! I am going to tidy up my scrap space and try to find some inspiration!
Have a good day all!g


Deanna said...

Ahhh girl... hope you are feeling better soon!

Regan said...

be happy its almost Christmas...did you get your pickle in a box yet???

Kimberley said...

Hope you are feeling better and better (and mom and Gramma too) and that you found some mojo!
Put on some festive holiday tunes today and make something Jolly!

Anonymous said...

Aww... hope you're feeling better soon, Kate!! (((hugs)))

Amanda said...

aww.. I hope you get your mojo back!!