Sunday, January 11, 2009

Happy Sunday!

I am trying to get caught up on posting some lo's I completed in the past few weeks! I have decided that I am a batch scrapper...I won't do much for a while and then I will do 3-4 lo's within a couple of days! I am a similar blogger, as a result you are getting a few lo's today! Sorry for the poor photos, I should retake them but I am feeling really lazy today! lol
The first lo is from our visit with Santa- we had a lot of fun!!! Definatly on our list of holiday activities for next year! Thomas Xavier got to decorate his own tree this year! I dragged out the little 3 foot tree we decorated in our apartment and he went to it! Lots of fun!!! Turns out it is the perfect size for him, and we got a kick out of watching him show it off to all of our visitors over the holidays!
These are some older pics! I took this during the Migration Parade this year. Lots of fun- who can argue with a giant inflated duck on a float!

This final one is based on a sketch posted by Dee over at the turtle mb! Thanks for the great sketch Dee! This is my favorite story from this Christmas! What a riot he is!!!

Ok, that is all for now! Today is going to be a relaxing day at home! We got about 2 feet of snow last night, so it is looking like a winter wonderland out there! We did some playing in the snow yesterday, and I think we will have to venture out again today!
Have a good day everyone!


Deanna said...

Wow you are a machine, these layouts are fantastic! I love love love what you did with my sketch! You rock!

Regan said...

awesome stuff katie!

Tracey said...

Fabulous stuff girl!! TX is such a cutie!!