Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snowy Tuesday Morning!

Howdy!!! I hope that everyone is having a great day! We got a little more snow last night, not alot but I am so sick of this cold weather, I would prefer some SUN!!!
Oh well!
Sorry I haven't posted in ages, we have been very busy around here lately! My (usually sweet) 2 1/2 yr old son has been playing with some of those infamous 2 yr old attitudes of late, and we are finding ourselves at odds quite a bit! I don't know if it is all the changes in our life catching up with him, a recent growth spurt ( I just had to get out the size 4 shirts...Yes I said size 4!!!) or that we were due for some attitude problems. Whatever the reason, I am not impressed!!! He has been up to everything from pulling all the toys out in his toy space ( and I mean, every toy!!!), to biting me when I was getting him ready for bed the other night ( OUCH!!) to putting 5 double rolls of toilet paper into the toilet ( well, actually he dipped the first 4 into the toilet and then placed them in the sink. The fifth was dropped on the floor when I came into the bathroom!) AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have to admit, we have been very spoiled with good behaviour, so this is a real shock for me! I am trying to spend some extra time with him in an effort to impove things! As a result- not much scrapping for me! I did manage to get one lo done for the 52 weeks 52 sketches site. I think I am going to add something to it- it is a little too simple ( even for me!!)

We took the pics of TX reading a story with his friends Logan and Emma at a literacy day event. Can you tell I just learned how to isolate colour in a BW photo!!lol!
I think this is such a cool technique and I thought it was perfect for this lo!

That is all for today! Sorry about the vent- thanks for your patience with me!!
Have a great day!


Regan said...

great layout!!

I sympathize with the attitude- Lola is really trying my patience too- she will be 3 in April- I think its the age

Jodie said...

Kate ~ Thanks for stopping over at my blog and leaving such nice comments! That's a great layout! I'm really enjoying 52 Sketches 52 Weeks -- it's such a great place to hang out! I'll see you over there!

I feel your pain about the kid behavior. My charming, sweet 3-year-old has been out of control! He threw a bathtub toy at me the other day! Grrrrrrr....!

Tracey said...

Love this layout Kate! Very cute!!

I totally sympathize with you on the attitude thing. Maya is 2 1/2 and one big bag of attitude some days!

Deanna said...

This is an awesome colorful layout girl!